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So while you and I and everyone else wait for the other updates I said would come, eventually, I swiftly managed to upload some pictures from the Frauenstreik/Grève des femmes/Sciopero delle donne 2019 that took place all across Switzerland this past Friday, June 14th.

I was asked to provide some coverage of the event in Ticino (the Southern, Italian-speaking region of Switzerland) for a collective of Swiss women photographers. Each would then provide about 10 pictures to the platform in order to showcase the day's events through a woman's gaze – and also to make a point about a profession that is still mainly men-dominated.

In here, though, you will find a few more shots that didn't find their way into that platform. It was a long, though day, with a lot of ground to cover and a tight deadline – but it was for a cause I believe in and quite possibly one that would make history, given Switzerland's rather poor tradition of taking matters to the streets.

Alright, wait no more and head to the 2019 Women's Strike album.

Good things come to those who wait

Not too good at keeping up with updates, am I?

So I've been a bit busy and have thus neglected the website a little. I will get to upload some new things at some point, just don't know when. What you might expect when the time comes, though, is pictures from Argentina, pictures from a couple of film sets, pictures from a few concerts, and a slew of random pictures I just happen to like (some of which are visible on my Instagram profile, whenever I get round to posting stuff there).

Even further down the line I'll have other pictures from a bunch of film rolls I have yet to develop – I'm waiting for my Lab Box, which might, eventually, finally, come soon, before I proceed. Don't ask me what's on them, I don't even remember…

Can't give you a timeline for all of this, so I won't ask you to "stay tuned", don't fret about it (but do check in from time to time, who knows?).


Small update

Here comes a long due update. I had been posting them on Intagram, but the portraits from the 71st Locarno International Film Festival 2018 are also finally all in one place. This year, I had the immeasurable chance of shooting the official magazine's covers, and it was quite the experience!

I'm sitting on other stuff as well, but as I'm deciding what to do exactly with all that, it might be a while before things show up in here. Either way, wait no more, Locarno 71 is here!

Nocturnal Interiors – FD 40

I'd been travelling for the past month and a half so my apologies for not updating this sooner.

The project commissioned by Fondazione Diamante for its 40th anniversary Nocturnal Interiors is now online. For inquiries about buying prints please contact me or the foundation.

Meanwhile, the actual exhibition is still open until the 1st of September 2018 as well, you can visit it at Canvetto Luganese, via R. Simen 14b, 6900 Lugano (Switzerland).

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